Tuesday, October 04, 2011

Apple: Cider & Pie

Colin and I have been a bit under the weather since we got back from South America.  Coughing.  Runny Nose.  The usual suspects.  So we needed some treats to make us feel better.

First treat: apple cider
Colin loves apple cider.  While I'm not much of a fan, I thought it might have some healing powers.  And again, Colin really likes it, so I knew just the smell of it would make him smile.

The recipe is simple.  I added a bit more cinnamon and nutmeg since I left out the "cocktail" part.

Second treat: caramel apple cheesecake
This was what I chose to make myself feel better.  Apples are good for you, right?  Colin took one bite and then giggled.  That's how good it is.  I had a piece last night.  And I might have had a piece for lunch (and nothing else...it's that good!).

The recipe came from the same gal, Emma of Food Coma.  That girl's got skills.  I didn't have any fun cinnamon sticks, so I sprinkled some cinnamon on top.  I couldn't find any last minute gluten free graham crackers, so I'm gambling with the crust.  So far it hasn't made me sick...but it would be worth it!
Isn't it pretty?

While these treats realistically haven't made us get over our colds, they made our tummies happy!

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