Friday, May 21, 2010

Review: Starch Alternative

****Looking for the May Giveaway?  Click HERE!****

I've seen this starch at Hancock Fabrics for awhile and kept hearing ladies talk about how great it was.  I finally took the plunge and got it.
(P.S. I love my iron, but we'll save that for another day!)

My only reservation was the lavender scent, especially since I knew my husband would be using it.  I had my husband take a whiff and asked him what it smelled like.  He said, "clean!"  No hint of lavender!  So the smell was a success!

Okay it smells good, but does it work?  The answer to that is also...yes!  This does a great job of freshening fabrics and helping to get those tough shirts and pants easily ironed.  My hubby loves it!  The best part is that it doesn't stiffen the fabric like the traditional starch that I remember my parents using.

I've also found that it's great for sewing projects.  I spray the fabric and then iron it and it helps to get a better cut.  It really help with folding a hem-- just starch, fold, iron, starch again, fold again, iron again-- and ta da!

We're going through the bottle pretty fast because of how much we use it.  We'll be buying again!

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