Tuesday, August 02, 2022
Milkmaid/Dream Top Pattern from Lydia Naomi
Toddler Dress and Bloomers

Travel Watercolors
We went camping last week at Bull Shoals-White River State Park. When it was time to pack up, I told Colin I just needed 10 minutes to do something for myself. The trip was full of family time, which is why we went, but I’m trying to carve out time to also do some things I enjoy (by myself ;) ). I decided to start this practice on our last trip to Woolly Hollow State Park.
Open Back Tank Top
I’ve been wanting to make a top with this hand-me-down fabric for awhile but couldn’t make up my mind on what to do. So I made my own pattern.
Summer Craft: Shrinky Dinks
Learning to Crochet
I was itching to learn something new. I needed to challenge myself but also have an outlet to relax and unwind. I hoped crocheting would tick those boxes.
Core T-Shirt (Free Pattern)
Here’s a free sewing pattern! This is the Core T-Shirt from Closet Core Patterns.